About Us
I am the owner and creator of my shop . After graduation I started working as an apprentice in a handbag factory there. I experienced the complex art of handbag making and only after researching the traditional manufacturing methods I opened my own online shopping website.
I start by researching the material I want to work with and create special processing care on the leather that will give it a unique style. The bag and accessories design stand out because of their simplicity and through the detailing. I try to create accessories that are both simple and unique and at the same time practical for everyday use.
vintage-leather-bazaar.myshopify.com was founded in 2014 by me, due to keen interest in design I realized my heart is in leather work and handbags design. The bags that carry my name perfectly represent my life style. Inspired by elements of femininity, simplicity and unique style.
The collections are drawn in a pure style with authentic simplicity in search for new material, handcrafted leather care and skillful blends of natural colored palette. Each season I research how to develop the soft ,washed goat leathers.
Each item has its character exactly like people and is tailored made to fit your needs and style. Shaista Handicraft high quality products enable you to express who you are through the color and design you choose.
I am lucky enough to work with the best team in the world. I love the moment when a new idea becomes a material reality. Taking an idea and following it through, past all the hurdles of design and production to create something useful and beautiful. It is an enjoyable journey, knowing that I am doing what I love every day and working with the best team.
Now please take your time looking around my website and enjoy!!